L’exposició de l’escultor Pere Baguena, que tindrà lloc a la Galeria Grup d’Art Escolà del 29 d’octubre al 28 de novembre, convida l’espectador a una reflexió profunda sobre la impermanència [ … ]
Condolences for the sculptor Michele Le Pape
https://icre.cat/galeria/le-pape/ It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our member, the artist and sculptor Michele Le Pape (Paris, 02-14-1944 – Barcelona 03-28-2024). Michele stood out for [ … ]
Alabaster carving stage with Jorge Egea
ICRE in collaboration with CIDA (Comprehensive Alabaster Development Center) once again organizes a stage for sculptors who want to work with alabaster. Days: March 25, 26, 27 and 28 Location: [ … ]
Dialoghi Paralleli: Jorge Egea & Luca Freschi
Jorge Egea (president of the ICRE) will present, together with fellow sculptor Luca Freschi, the Dialoghi Paralleli exhibition. This exhibition brings together, in the same space, the infinite subtleties of [ … ]
Pere Baguena inaugurates “Batec”
The sculptor and member of the ICRE Pere Baguena inaugurated his sculpture “Batec” in the Gran Via park in L’Hospitalet. The work is dedicated to the blood donors of the [ … ]
XV International Sculpture Network Forum (Málaga)
Sculptor and member of ICRE Solange Keschmann will be in Malaga this October participating in the XV International Sculpture Network Forum. The Sculpture Network’s international forum, in its 15th edition, [ … ]
Sculptural Portrait Workshop with Javier de Mendoza
ICRE member Javier de Mendoza will teach a Sculptural Portrait workshop at the Manel Vallès Art School (carrer de Jacint Verdaguer, 47, El Masnou) Dates: November 13 to 17, 2023 [ … ]
The Rigaud Art Museum (Perpignan) organizes the Guió-Renoir exhibition. The color of the sculpture. Among the events surrounding the exhibition there is a series of conferences in which ICRE member [ … ]
The shapes of wood
Barcelona Marqueteria Association (ABM) organizes a collective exhibition at the Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra Library (Barcelona) under the motto “The shapes of wood”. Joan Reguant, a member of ICRE, participates in [ … ]
Abel Proñonosa “Entre ombres i materialitzacions”
Next Saturday, the 29th, Abel Pruñonosa will inaugurate a new exhibition of his sculptures at the Museum of Painting in Sant Pol de Mar. The exhibition, curated by Sandro Martín [ … ]