ICRE in collaboration with CIDA (Comprehensive Alabaster Development Center) once again organizes a stage for sculptors who want to work with alabaster. Days: March 25, 26, 27 and 28 Location: [ … ]
Sculptural Portrait Workshop with Javier de Mendoza
ICRE member Javier de Mendoza will teach a Sculptural Portrait workshop at the Manel Vallès Art School (carrer de Jacint Verdaguer, 47, El Masnou) Dates: November 13 to 17, 2023 [ … ]
Polychromy workshop with Tomàs Barceló
On June 3, ICRE is organizing a theoretical workshop on polychromy in sculpture directed by the artist Tomàs Barceló Castela. The day will be developed according to the following approach: [ … ]
Sculpture Workshop in Pedraza, Segovia
Mer Jimenez (ICRE member) will lead the 4th Sculpture Workshop with the sponsorship of the MEAM (European Museum of Modern Art) which will take place from 12 to 18 September [ … ]
Following the jury’s decision for the SAN JORGE – BELLPUIG PREMIO DE BELLAS ARTES 2021 award. From Icre we are happy to congratulate our partners Juan Gutiérrez and Ramon Pons for [ … ]
Modeling Masterclass with Jorge Egea
Jorge Egea, sculptor and president of the ICRE, will give a Masterclass on February 25 at 5:30 pm, at the Royal Artistic Circle of Barcelona. This course is aimed at [ … ]
4th International Sculpture Workshop in the Algarve.
The sculptor Mer Jimenez, as director of the curs and MEAM, with sponsor, organize the 4th International Sculpture Workshop. This time it will be in Almodóvar (Algarve-Portugal) between August 31 [ … ]
Mold sculpture course.
Sculptors Jose Abellán and Adrián Arnau organize a course to learn how to make silicone molds and plaster for small and medium format sculptures. The course will take place on [ … ]
(Català) Curs d’iniciació al modelatge i la figura en argila.
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Pátinas en frío para escultura
Cold patinas for sculpture 15, 16 AND 17 JULY. Taught by Adrià Arnau and organized by Mer Jiménez In this intensive three-day course, we will learn to make patinas to [ … ]