In their eagerness to help artists from ICRE, we have organized a gathering with a different format than usual. On this occasion, instead of inviting an artist to talk about his work, we wanted to bring someone to inform us about administrative issues. We are talking about sculptural works and their copyrights, and for the talk we have the lawyer Elisenda Perelló, Senior Associate of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Department of RocaJunyent (
The activity will take place on Tuesday, February 20, at 7:00 p.m., at the Real Cercle Artístic (Sala del Brindis, 3rd floor), Carrer dels Arcs, 5, in Barcelona.
Drinks can be consumed during the gathering and will be purchased at the Cercle bar.
Since the capacity is limited, it is advisable to pre-register before Friday, February 16, to the email address
Tertúlies ICRE
"Sculptural works and their copyright"
Tuesday, February 20, at 7:00 p.m.
Cercle Artístic de Barcelona (Toast Room, 3rd floor)
calle dels Arcs, 5, Barcelona.