
Konkrétne leto 2019

The member of the ICRE Pía Jardí participates in the festival konkretne leto 2019 as curator of the exhibition of the artist Helga Philipp.
Here is the information about the festival that can be enjoyed during this summer in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Konkrétne leto/Current European Geometric Trends 2019

The main aim of the event organizers is to present the widest possible range of concrete and geometric art. Exhibitions take place in several galleries.

Opening date:

26.06.2019 18:00, Wed
27.06.2019, Thu – 31.08.2019, Sat.

The main aim of the event organizers is to present the widest possible range of concrete and geometric art. Geometric abstraction is one principle and an inexhaustible amount of art. Over the past century, it has undergone an interesting development, many author deposits, unique mutations, various syntheses and opposing forces, formal and philosophical echoes. Many authors are developing it and enriching it with new dimensions even today. This segment of fine art has a rich tradition not only in Slovakia or in Bohemia; in 1967 a joint Czech-Slovak Club of Concretists was founded; it has rich traditions in Hungary, Poland, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy and many other countries.

This exhibition will be a showcase of a broad generation presence, from renowned creators to the youngest generation. International cooperation creates the opportunity to get to know other cultures through such a universal medium as fine art.

The central part of the exhibition with authors from SK, CZ, A, PL, H, F, NL, CH, SLO will be located in Bratislava in the Art Gallery, other exhibitions are planned in Gallery Z, in the Gallery of the Polish Institute, in the Gallery of the Austrian Cultural Forum and in Gallery of the French Institute.

Program :

26.6.2019 – 11.8.2019
Opening: 26.6.2019 at 17.00 / Gallery Z 
From the collection of Waldemar Andzelma / PL

26.6.2019 – 31.8.2019
Opening: 26.6.2019 o 16.00 / Austrian Cultural Forum 
Helga Philipp 

26.6.2019 – 24.7.2019
Opening: 26.6.2019 at 18.00 / French Institute 
Roger Vilder

Polish Institute of
Interactive Screening

26.6.2019 – 21.7.2019
Opening: 26.6.2019 o 19.00 / Art Gallery
Current geometric tendencies

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