
Did you know…? 1st International ‘THREE-DIMENSIONAL MUSIC’ Sculpture Contest HOMAGE TO THE GUITAR

1st International ‘THREE-DIMENSIONAL MUSIC’ Sculpture Contest HOMAGE TO THE GUITAR

Arts feed off each other. Music, over time, has inspired many artists. Composers, instruments, songs or the ethereal concept of music itself have been the source for creating a variety of sculptures.

Surely more than once, walking the streets of a city, we have recognized the vanishing art of music depicted in sculptural monuments.

In the village of L’Escala (Girona. Spain), in 2007 ‘Monument a la Cobla’ by sculptor Francesc Anglés (see image) was casted in bronze. There are many musical instruments, but not the one we are seeking in this proposal: the Guitar.

We take advantage of this opportunity to encourage you to make a sculpture tribute to the guitar, because from July 1st to September 6th, 2015, you can register at the Ist INTERNATIONAL CONTEST ‘TRIDIMENSIONAL MUSIC’ where we want to highlight the guitar and all its world as inspiration: the greatest masters, the pieces made by this instrument, the curves and lines from its shape …

And … have you already found the inspiration to create your sculpture?

See conditions:

About us: The ICRE is a not-profit association created with the objective of internationalising, promoting and educating in the field of sculpture. The group consists of members, sculptors, historians and sculpture lovers.


Certamen Internacional de Guitarra de Barcelona ‘Miquel Llobet’

Museu de la Música de Barcelona

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