

Alella, the town where Fili Plaza currently resides, will commemorate the International Day of Perinatal Mourning for the first time next Saturday, October 16. The appointment will take place at 12 noon in the cemetery of the municipality.

The act wants to remember the creatures that have died before their birth or at the moment of being born, and to support the families who have suffered this loss. As Fili Plaza herself declares, this sculpture has been a very special commission for her From the first moment:

«One afternoon, I was at the jewelry store and I received a call from Marc Almendro, the mayor of Alella. He tells me that they have thought of me to propose to make a sculpture for the town cemetery, so that the families of those who have not been born can go there, to be comforted and to be able to mourn. As he explained it to me, I got goose bumps, thinking about the different emotions that they provoked in me. I had been through the same experience many years ago.

At that very moment I told him that it could be like an open uterus in which three butterflies fly, big, small ... of different sizes. And there are three because they represent spirituality, the trilogy, a prime number. Always in everything there are three. And the uterus is transformed into iron plates that give it depth.

And they are butterflies because for me they have always represented souls. I always thought of making a story for children in which to explain that caterpillars turn into butterflies, and that they are souls that last a day on earth and come to choose where they want to come to live. Then they are one day flying around the place they choose and they leave. Then it is when the baby is fertilized in a mother's belly and this beautiful baby is born and will gradually transform into an adult person. "

In the institutional act of commemoration of the International Day of Perinatal and Gestational Mourning with the inauguration of the sculpture by Fili Plaza, which has been installed in the municipal cemetery, it will also have the musical and dance accompaniment of the dancer also from Alella, Albert Bassas.

The event is open to everyone.

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